Wednesday 7 August 2013

What is happening to Surrogacy in India ?

What does it mean when new guidelines are being made with no consultation with the field; with the patients? How can one body have so much influence, but no actual evidence?

This is what is happening in India today. Recent reports have come out suggesting that the new guidelines will include a provision that a surrogate mother can only give birth up to three times including her own children.

There is no evidence that women who give birth more than three times are of greater risk than those who give birth four times. So why this arbitrary number? Why are agencies such as CSR suggesting this? Please look at the attached chart:

 So, are all women in India more at risk? What is the scientific basis of this statement on which they are pressurizing the Government of India. Have they medically examined women before and after surrogacy?

Of greater concern is that up until now, most reputable agencies have been focused on choosing surrogates who have ended their families and are now wanting to help others. With this new guideline, this will change

The CSR has been in the media recently, reporting on the worst of surrogacy, adding innuendo and hearsay as actual evidence of what is happening in our world: their bias against surrogacy in evident. A quick look at their website finds funding from countries which are in competition with India for the medical tourist dollar.

What is difficult to tolerate is that this is being viewed as the norm and not, at best, evidence of bad practice by a few. This cannot be allowed to continue.

What we and others are asking for is equal representation at the table; one biased view does not represent surrogacy practice across India. Where are the representatives from the doctors and clinics who demonstrate good practice? Where are the patients who use this service?

Will we end up with another set of dodgy guidelines, based on some innuendo from one biased agency which leads to the chaos we now have? Why is the GOI falling for such tactics?

Embryos in one country, parents in another not being able to use or access embryos or treatment; couples who do meet the criteria are being denied visas for weeks and months on end on a whim and the FRRO holding patients who have met all the criteria and done nothing wrong hostage for days and weeks because they can.

We have a chance to get this right. To undertake broad consultation with all parties, to identify good practice and base the guidelines on evidence. Let’s not let this opportunity pass.

GOI take a stand.

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